Legislature(1999 - 2000)

06/28/2000 10:40 AM Senate LEC

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                                                                             
June 28, 2000                                                                                                                   
1.    ROLL CALL                                                                                                               
The Legislative  Council meeting was  called to  order at 10:40  a.m. by                                                        
Senator Mike  Miller, Legislative  Council Chair,  in the  Anchorage LIO                                                        
Conference Room and via teleconference.                                                                                         
The roll was taken.  In  attendance were Council members Miller, Donley,                                                        
Tim  Kelly,  Leman,  Pearce, Hoffman,  Torgerson  (via  teleconference),                                                        
Barnes  (via teleconference),  Berkowitz,  Cowdery,  Gail Phillips  (via                                                        
teleconference), Porter,  and Rokeberg. Council member  Ogan was absent.                                                        
Staff present were Varni and  Gore, and by teleconference, Cook, Finley,                                                        
Gullufsen, Ibesate, Johnston, Pence, Price, Schofield, and Wyatt.                                                               
2.    APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 11, 2000 MEETING MINUTES                                                                          
Senator  Pearce moved  the  minutes of  the April  11,  2000 meeting  be                                                        
YEAS:       Miller, Donley, Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman, Pearce,                                                                  
Torgerson,                    Berkowitz, Cowdery, Porter and Rokeberg                                                           
NAYS:       None                                                                                                                
ABSENT:     Barnes, Ogan and Phillips                                                                                           
The motion was approved 11 - 0.                                                                                                 
3.    PRESENTATION FROM REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE/BUDGET      APPROVAL                                                          
Doug  Wooliver,  Chair  Redistricting Planning  Committee,  presented  a                                                        
request for authorization  for the Redistricting  Planning Committee and                                                        
the Redistricting  Board to  spend appropriated funds.   Members  of the                                                        
Redistricting Planning  Committee present were Scott Sterling  and Kevin                                                        
Jardell.    The  Redistricting   Planning  Committee's  responsibilities                                                        
include setting  up a computer  system, ascertaining the data  needs for                                                        
the Redistricting  Board, preliminary  work for the  Redistricting Board                                                        
and compiling that data.                                                                                                        
$350,000 was  appropriated in  FY00 to the  Legislative Council  for the                                                        
Redistricting  Planning  Committee.  The Legislature  also  appropriated                                                        
$600,000 for FY01  to the Legislative Council for the  operations of the                                                        
Redistricting Planning Committee and the Redistricting Board.                                                                   
Discussions by  Phillips, Pearce,  and Jardell followed  regarding Board                                                        
expenditures and appointments.                                                                                                  
Representative  Barnes  made  a  motion  to  approve  the  Redistricting                                                        
Planning Committee  and Redistricting  Board budget  as overseen  by LAA                                                        
and Legislative Council.                                                                                                        
Senator Miller provided options to the motion.                                                                                  
            1.    Approve the overall budget and let LAA disperse the                                                           
            2.    Council approve each item on an individual basis                                                              
            3.    Let the committee spend under $25,000 and have                                                                
amounts                       over $25,000 go to Council                                                                        
Discussion  followed by  Senator Pearce  and Representatives  Barnes and                                                        
Phillips regarding timeline for appointment to the Redistricting Board.                                                         
Representative  Barnes  restated  the  motion as  follows:  Approve  the                                                        
presentation of the  Redistricting Committee and approval  of the budget                                                        
for  the  Committee.   Expenses  will  be  submitted  to LAA  to  ensure                                                        
compliance with legislative procedures.                                                                                         
Discussion  by  Representatives  Phillips,   Barnes  and  LAA  Executive                                                        
Director   Pam  Varni   regarding   clarification   of  funds   by   the                                                        
Committee/Board,  justification  and   Legislative  Council  procurement                                                        
codes followed.                                                                                                                 
Senator Miller restated  the motion by Representative  Barnes to approve                                                        
the  Redistricting Planning  Committee budget.  The Redistricting  Board                                                        
will go  to LAA for  accounting and payment  of any expenses  within the                                                        
funds appropriated for the Redistricting Board.                                                                                 
YEAS:       Miller, Donley, Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman, Pearce, Barnes,                                                          
                  Berkowitz, Cowdery, Phillips, Porter and Rokeberg                                                             
NAYS:       None                                                                                                                
ABSENT:     Torgerson and Ogan                                                                                                  
The motion was approved unanimously 12 - 0.                                                                                     
4.    CAPITAL BUDGET EXPENSES/APPROVAL                                                                                        
Pam Varni  requested Council  approval of solicitation,  expenditure and                                                        
award  of several  capital  projects.   Total  funding  from  SB 192  is                                                        
$334,600 and  would fund Capitol  fire escape upgrades,  Capitol parking                                                        
garage repair,  sandstone repair, window  leak repair and  power washing                                                        
and sealing of  the Capitol.  Existing  funds in the  amount of $105,000                                                        
are available from legislative renovation  funds for repairing the Third                                                        
Street retaining wall, resurfacing the parking lots, and landscaping.                                                           
Discussion   followed  from   Representatives  Barnes,   Berkowitz,  and                                                        
Phillips  and  Senator  Pearce  regarding existing  repairs,  status  of                                                        
repairs and fire escape upgrade cost.                                                                                           
Pam Varni explained that some of these  projects would not be able to be                                                        
completed  this interim  because  of  time  constraints and  contractors                                                        
unavailable this late  in the construction season.   She explained small                                                        
repairs had been made to the fire  escapes and that an engineer had been                                                        
hired to look at the fire  escapes and provide recommendations.  Because                                                        
the  fire escape  is also  a  heavy traffic  area safety  was an  issue.                                                        
Recommendations were  made for blasting  and painting, putting  in steel                                                        
reinforcements and  opaque panels  in the  stairwells and  replacing the                                                        
handrails because they do not meet code.                                                                                        
Representative  Barnes   moved  the  Legislative  Council   approve  the                                                        
solicitation, award  and expenditure of  capital funds for  the projects                                                        
in the amount of $439,600.                                                                                                      
YEAS:       Miller, Donley, Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman, Pearce,                                                                  
Torgerson,                    Barnes, Berkowitz, Cowdery, Phillips,                                                             
Porter and Rokeberg                                                                                                             
NAYS:       None                                                                                                                
ABSENT:     Ogan                                                                                                                
The motion was approved unanimously 13 - 0.                                                                                     
5.    UNIVERSITY LANDS VETO LAWSUIT APPROVAL                                                                                  
Senator Miller  wanted Tamara Cook to  address the larger issue  of what                                                        
is  an appropriation  and  what  isn't and  asked  if  the Council  goes                                                        
forward with the lawsuit can we do it in-house?                                                                                 
Tamara Cook summarized the Attorney  General's Office has concluded that                                                        
the transfer of  land under SB 7  amounts to an appropriation  or a bill                                                        
to  raise revenues.    It is  the  opinion of  Legal  Services that  the                                                        
university land bill, which may  ultimately have the effect of producing                                                        
revenue,  is very  indirect and  is not  an appropriation  bill for  the                                                        
purpose of veto override.                                                                                                       
Discussion followed  by Senators Donley and  Pearce, and Representatives                                                        
Barnes, Berkowitz and Phillips.                                                                                                 
Senator Miller asked if the suit could be handled in-house.                                                                     
Tamara  Cook thought  that the  lawsuit could  be handled  very well  by                                                        
Legal Services.   There is  no other large  litigation going on  and the                                                        
only large  commitment they have is  to the RFP for  statute publication                                                        
that is taking all of Pam Finley's  time.  The lawsuit would be assigned                                                        
to James Crawford.                                                                                                              
Tamara Cook  also requested a legislative  contact to act as  the client                                                        
on behalf of the Legislative Council.                                                                                           
Senator  Miller made  a motion  to file  suit on  behalf of  Legislative                                                        
Council with  Ted Popely appointed  as the  contact client on  behalf of                                                        
Legislative Council for Legal Services.                                                                                         
YEAS:       Miller, Donley, Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman, Pearce,                                                                  
Torgerson,                    Barnes, Berkowitz, Cowdery, Phillips,                                                             
Porter and Rokeberg                                                                                                             
NAYS:       None                                                                                                                
ABSENT:     Ogan                                                                                                                
The motion was approved unanimously 13 - 0.                                                                                     
6.    LEGISLATIVE     COUNCIL    PRINTING     POLICY    DISCUSSION     &                                                      
Pam  Varni requested  Legislative  Council  to revisit  the  Legislative                                                        
Council Printing Policy.  It is stated  in Uniform Rule 5 --"No requests                                                        
for  duplication  of  personal  or   unauthorized  items  or  items  not                                                        
accompanied  by a  work  order signed  by an  authorized  person may  be                                                        
The word personal has to be defined.                                                                                            
Some Legislative  Offices are  printing off  newsletters and  large mail                                                        
projects  on small  hallway copiers  or  office printers  which is  very                                                        
expensive.   Other offices use  their allowance accounts and  send these                                                        
project to outside printers.                                                                                                    
The Legislative  Printshop has  the time and  capability to  print these                                                        
projects, and  is looking at  the cost  of getting equipment  that would                                                        
enable them to print pictures in halftone.                                                                                      
Discussion  by Senators  Leman,  Donley, and  Pearce and  Representative                                                        
Barnes followed.                                                                                                                
Senator  Miller assigned  a subcommittee  to look  into the  Legislative                                                        
Council Printing Policy.  Members assigned:                                                                                     
Representative Barnes, Chair                                                                                                    
Senator Donley                                                                                                                  
Representative Cowdery                                                                                                          
7.    UPDATE ON STATUTE PUBLICATION RFP                                                                                       
The Statute publication  RFP is moving forward.  Pam  Finley has drafted                                                        
the RFP  and an  evaluation committee  has been  put together.   Closing                                                        
date for  responses will be  in September and  the committee may  have a                                                        
recommendation for the Council in October.                                                                                      
8.    PRINT SHOP PAPER APPROVAL                                                                                               
Pam  Varni requested  approval of  the  Council to  solicit, expend  and                                                        
award $90,500 for paper from FY01 funds.                                                                                        
Representative  Barnes,  moved  the   Legislative  Council  approve  the                                                        
solicitation, expenditure and award of  printshop paper in the amount of                                                        
$90,500 from Legislative Affairs Agency FY01 funds.                                                                             
YEAS:       Miller, Donley, Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman, Pearce,                                                                  
Torgerson,                    Barnes, Berkowitz, Cowdery, Phillips,                                                             
Porter and Rokeberg                                                                                                             
NAYS:       None                                                                                                                
ABSENT:     Ogan                                                                                                                
The motion was approved unanimously 13 - 0.                                                                                     
9.    ALASKA    MOVING   IMAGE    PRESERVATION   ASSOCIATION    CONTRACT                                                      
Senator Tim Kelly  explained the historical Legislative  audio and video                                                        
tapes are beginning to degrade and  have to be remastered.  He requested                                                        
Legislative Council  approve the expenditure  of $29,000 to  have Alaska                                                        
Moving Image Preservation Association (AMIPA) work on the remastering.                                                          
Representative Barnes moved Legislative  Council approve the expenditure                                                        
of $29,000 to AMPIA pending a contract by AMIPA.                                                                                
YEAS:       Miller, Donley, Hoffman, Tim Kelly, Leman, Pearce,                                                                  
Torgerson,                    Barnes, Berkowitz, Cowdery, Phillips,                                                             
Porter and Rokeberg                                                                                                             
NAYS:       None                                                                                                                
ABSENT:     Ogan                                                                                                                
The motion was approved unanimously 13  - 0.                                                                                    
10.  CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT INTERVENTION                                                                                    
Senator Donley moved the Legislative  Council authorize Legal Affairs to                                                        
take  initial intervention  steps if  there  are any  challenges to  the                                                        
three constitutional amendments on the fall ballot.                                                                             
Tam  Cook stated  that  because we  could not  anticipate  what kind  of                                                        
challenge would be  brought against the amendments, the  motion might be                                                        
Senator Pearce  asked Ted  Popley to  update the  Council on  the ballot                                                        
language of the three initiatives.                                                                                              
Senator  Miller stated  if any  constitutional amendment  passed by  the                                                        
Legislature needed clarification or wound up  in the courts prior to the                                                        
election, a Council meeting would be held to deal with the issue.                                                               
Senator Donley withdrew his motion.                                                                                             
Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m.                                                                                             

Document Name Date/Time Subjects